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SWOT Analysis

To develop a strategy, it is necessary to thoroughly examine internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats. The following section highlights important strengths and how to capitalize on them, flaws and how to fix them, opportunities and how to capitalize on them, and risks and how to mitigate them.


  • Existing staff
  • Existing Infrastructure
  • Experience in project planning and implementation
  • Established networks/partners


  • Inadequate funding: Whereas the organization has experienced stable growth in the number of donors on Board, a considerable financing gap remains to support the growing nature of the organization’s programs. Notably, most current donors mainly provide funds for implementing specific program activities. These highly restricted funds limit the extent to which the organization can operate flexibly and speedily in a manner responsive to its beneficiaries’ current and dynamic needs. Moreover, they are not sufficient to cater to the recruitment of highly specialized talent or the development of existing talent.
  • Inadequate documentation management: Currently, the organization lacks a structured framework for effectively documenting, processing, and analyzing critical data – essential for effective decision-making and strategic planning. Presently, data collected from various program activities are project-based – and the systems on which it is usually stored are controlled by donors financing a given project. This deficiency means that the organization barely controls the information (usually collected on behalf of a project sponsor), limiting internal capabilities for conducting advanced analysis and developing relevant evidence-based publications. These challenges can partly be attributed to the fact that the organization does not have a defined M and E-portfolio.
  • inadequate staff: With the transition into an NGO, new strategic areas and positions that require filling have been created however, the organization lacks adequate resources to recruit for the new positions.


  • Development and strengthening of internal documentation system: Recognising the absence of a structured internal documentation system, there is a need for GTYI to develop a comprehensive internal documentation mechanism – aligned to all aspects of program implementation. A standardized mechanism for measuring and assessing impact could enhance the capability of GTYI to inform the organization on aspects of where it is progressing; provide insights on indicators of significant change, and ultimately guide the organization on areas of improvement geared towards the development of enhanced value propositions to the target communities.  
  • Review of the Organisation’s Strategic Framework: In today’s corporate landscape, the pace of change is unprecedented. One month, two months, three months or more can matter significantly. As a result, how organizations adapt to that speed and how they fundamentally decide they will play in that new arena does define whether or not they want to be successful. Recognizing the past achievements and challenges registered by the organization, it is worth noting that the context where GTYI operates is becoming increasingly dynamic and necessitates applying new approaches, refining existing practices, and bringing powerful tools to bear in solving the most pressing social challenges GTYI intends to address to create the change that matters and become more innovative, strategic, and effective.
  • Strengthening internal research and rigorous publication: Recognising the urgent need to strengthen and consolidate the organization’s position as a thought leader, the organization should establish a fully-fledged research and development component to seize opportunities that are likely to accrue from rigorous documentation and comprehensive publication of relevant information. This need is premised on the thinking that the organization’s experience provides it with the credibility to publish guidance to different stakeholders on issues relating to youth in Uganda. The organization could generate specific insights as and when there is an opportunity focusing on challenges, lessons learned, among others, or a needs assessment on the contemporary challenges of the youth in comparison with lessons learned from the past, among others. 


  • Outbreak of pandemics
  • Resistance from political leadership
  • Name change might affect student enrolment and funding from the donors

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