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Internal Factors

The critical internal factors that can influence the success of this Strategic Plan are outlined below:

Board: GTYI has an independent Board of Directors made up of technical experts in health, human rights, agriculture, management, and education.

Policy Environment: GTYI has established policies for the core functions of governance, programming, finance, and human resources. However, policy gaps in guidelines concerning key issues and resource mobilization are yet to be implemented.

Staff: GTYI staff possess diverse skills in programming, education, agriculture, health, WASH, community mobilization, human rights, and administration, among others. As of the writing of this report, GTYI operated at a reasonable staffing capacity, though human resource needs continue to exist.

Program Capacity: GTYI has proven to be apt for delivering its core mandate, inspiring confidence in the key stakeholder groups on the organization’s technical expertise.

Geographical Coverage: GTYI has its headquarters located in Hoima City but with a mandate to operate all over Uganda. However, the lack of presence in other geographies limits its impact on effectively reaching out to vulnerable children and youth. 

Partnerships: GTYI operates within a multi-stakeholder spectrum of state actors, development partners, education experts, health experts, and local and international NGOs. The organization has put formal MOUs with implementing partners, including state and non-state actors. The MOUs provide access to technical resources and essential linkages. Funding Position: GTYI operates mainly on donor funds. Any disruption in funding from Development Partners will lead to an immediate collapse of this leading institution fighting to serve vulnerable children and youth in the remotest of rural areas. COVID-19 has complicated the economic situation globally. The demand for funding has increased, but the funding priorities are shifting. Resource mobilization is a critical success factor for GTYI. Besides, acquiring a building to house its head offices will help GTYI reduce administrative expenses and improve sustainability.

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