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Empowering the future

For Vulnerable
Children and
The Youth.

Our focus areas include promoting access to education, advocating for sexual reproductive health rights, improving water sanitation and hygiene practices, and enhancing livelihood opportunities for the youth.

Youth out of school attend lessons at Golden treasure school

Golden Trove Youth Initiative (GTYI) is a youth-led and serving organization dedicated to advancing youth rights across Uganda. We believe in the power of collaboration with various stakeholders to advocate for fundamental rights that are crucial for the well-being of youth in our society

Program Capacity

GTYI has proven to be apt for delivering its core mandate, inspiring confidence in the key stakeholder groups on the organization's technical expertise

Policy Environment

GTYI has established policies for the core functions of governance, programming, finance and human resources


GTYI operates within a multi-stakeholder spectrum of state actors, development partners, education experts, health experts, and local and international NGOs

Our Team

GTYI staff possess diverse skills in programming, education, agriculture, health, WASH, community mobilization, human rights and administration, among others.

Strategic Objective

Sustainable Agriculture.

To implement sustainable agriculture projects that provide food security and economic opportunities for vulnerable children and the youth. This will involve training in modern farming techniques /smart agriculture, organic and biodynamic farming, promoting climate-resilient crops, and establishing community gardens/ cooperative farming initiatives.


Increased self-sustaining food systems that ensure food security for vulnerable children and youth in 4 years
who we are

Our Mission.

To provide a holistic support opportunity for vulnerable children and youth through education, sustainable agriculture, access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene and sexual reproductive health education.


Youth and Children

Strategic Objectives

Sustainable Education.

To develop programs and initiatives aimed at providing quality and affordable education to vulnerable children and youth focusing on increasing enrolment rates, improving literacy, and life skills, and promoting long-life learning opportunities.

We promote the integration of Ugandan schools’ curriculum with(Anthroposophy) a philosophy that emphasizes a thoughtful, creative, and holistic human-centered approach to education

Adolescent sexual reproductive health (SRHR)

To increase access to sexual reproductive health (SRHR)services targeting adolescents and youth including access to information, gender equality, consent, and reproductive rights.

Advocacy and Policy Influence

To advocate for policies and practices that prioritize the rights and wellbeing of vulnerable children and the youth at local, national and international levels leveraging partnerships and mobilizing stakeholders to create systematic change

Risk Analysis and

Mitigation Strategy.

The potential risks are identified to ensure that the Strategic Plan is implemented successfully. Their probability and impact are assessed. The measures for mitigating the risks have also been developed.

Strategic Objective

Water, Hygiene &Sanitation.

To establish infrastructure and initiatives to ensure access to clean and safe drinking water for vulnerable children and the youth. This will include the construction of shallow wells, purification systems, and hygiene education programs to prevent waterborne diseases.


Reduction in sanitation and hygiene related death in 4 years

we work with.


Showcase of some activities we have had within the community
Connecting the Youth

Get in touch.

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